How to Get Rid of Bats in Attics
If you have had a bat infestation, it is highly likely you have been pest-free for quite some time now. This is great! That is until you get in a situation where the bat infestation has become too big to treat, or perhaps you got rid of all the bats, only to have them come back–and then you still have an infestation. This is where bat removal is ideal! This is okay, though, because most bats live in the same house, and leave their dung (bat guano) behind, which they eat.
So, since this happens so often, it is necessary to call in a professional bat removal company to remove bats. However, this should not be considered just any old company; call around and make sure you know who they are working for, and what certifications and licenses they have. Do your research on the Internet and learn about the various methods used for bat eradication and how the exclusion process works. Do not be afraid to ask a question, because you need to protect yourself and everyone else in the house.
Bat Removal do not like being disturbed, and as such they often try and avoid trouble. They are also not too happy living in a human-sized habitat. Therefore, the bat removal process involves a method of “deprogramming” the bats that will cause them to go elsewhere in your home and not return. This is also why you cannot simply turn your place upside down and call the professionals in; the bats will still be there, looking for another place to live, unless they are somehow introduced into your new living space by way of heat-based removals.
One way of accomplishing bat removal is through exclusion. Exclusion is done in two different ways: first, physical exclusion, where the bats are taken out of the room or area and sent to the bat removal center for processing; second, with electronic devices used to repel bats from a particular area. Both methods should be tried before sending the unwanted guests to the guano pit. First, the bats that will not leave should be taken out of the room or area by one or all of the following methods: flame or electric-powered removal equipment, bat control devices, or the bat valve. The last option, which is the bat valve, can be used when the bats are hanging around and will not leave by themselves, but instead begin to build a den for themselves, using the bat valve to seal them in.
In order to find out which method to use, call a bat removal or bat control expert. Make sure that you choose an expert who is experienced and knows how to deal with bats in attics, whether they are bats you want to take out, or bats that are building a new home in your home. Call a few companies in your area to ask about bat control experts. Of course, don’t choose to call just any company or bat expert. When calling any companies, especially those who specialize in bat removal or bat control, you should do your research first. This way you will know exactly who to call and who will be most knowledgeable about bats in attics.
You can call around to local pest control companies to see if any of them specialize in removing bats. Many do, so ask if they would take care of bat removal or bat control in your home. If they would, you might ask them if they would use a bat exclusion device at your home, if you have one. The exclusion devices are designed to keep the bats out of attics and on your roof or outside your home, where the bat removal or bat control expert can work. Exclusions can be placed under eaves, where bats fly during the day or in attics. Exclusions can also be placed in crawlspaces and around crawl spaces, where moisture is at its maximum.